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Phoenix Real Estate Investment Corp.

Real Estate Investment Opportunities in California


Prices for BODEGA BAY Golden State - California

Why invest in California?

  • California is the most populous state in the USA
  • It ranks as 10th largest economy of the world
  • Silicon Valley (Santa Clara county) is the high-tech center in the USA
  • San Francisco is the major tourist spot and biotech research center


Current Investment Options

  • Short Sales - The lender (usually the bank) is willing to take a loss, and let the property to be sold in the amount less than the borrower (home owner) owed on the mortgage
  • Foreclosure - The lender obtained the court order to terminate home owner's right to the property after they have defaulted (fail to pay the monthly payment on the loan
  • Bank Owned - Lenders (bank) took back the property that failed to sell through the foreclosure process
  • Vacation Homes


Vacation Homes

Lake Tahoe - Major ski/casino resorts in the Northern California

                      - Year-round recreation (water sport, ski...)

                      - Beautiful mountain and lake scenery

Mendocino   - World-class redwood state parks in the Northern California

                      - miles of forest hiking trails, lush fern gullies, abundant wildlife

                      - Beautiful mountain and ocean scenery

Bodega Bay - Beautiful sea shores

                      - Well developed golf club community

                      - Close proximity from San Francisco and Silicon Valley

                        (1 to 2 hours driving distance)


Home Search


Vacation Rentals








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Real Estate Market Chart by Altos Research Real Estate Market Chart by Altos Research
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Prices for MENDOCINO Prices for SARATOGA
Real Estate Market Chart by Altos Research Prices for SUNNYVALE
Prices for MOUNTAIN VIEW Real Estate Market Chart by Altos Research


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